The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim.” – Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74
“One who treads a path in search of knowledge has his path to Paradise made easy by God…” – Riyadh us-Saleheen, 245
“A servant of God will remain standing on the Day of Judgment until he is questioned about his (time on earth) and how he used it; about his knowledge and how he utilized it; about his wealth and from where he acquired it and in what (activities) he spent it; and about his body and how he used it.” – Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 148
The school follows the Department for Education (DfE) regulations and guidance.
Regular school attendance is a legal responsibility on parents. The school is required by law to record absences and late arrivals on a pupil’s annual report.
We expect our pupils to have an attendance percentage record of over 95% as the norm. Independent schools must notify the Local Education Authority if a pupil does not attend regularly. The school will notify the appropriate local authority if a pupil has a low attendance of 85% or below, or if they are absent continuously without the School’s authorisation for ten or more school days.
Non-emergency medical and dental appointments should be made outside school hours. Appointment letters for specialist or hospital treatment should be shown to the Form Tutor and Admin Office in advance of the appointment.
All pupils are expected to stay on the school premises during break and lunchtimes.
Authorised absence procedures
Authorised absence is where the school has either given approval in advance for a pupil to be absent or has accepted an explanation offered afterwards by parents as satisfactory justification. All other absences will be classified as unauthorised.
Acceptable reasons for absence would normally be only illness or bereavement. Absences for interviews are authorised by the school only if advance notice is given and a letter of invitation shown.
Parents are asked to telephone the school Office on every morning of absence, between 8am and 8:30am. A member of the Administrative Staff will try to contact parents if the school has not received a reason for the absence. If the Administrative Staff are unable to contact parents by telephone, a text message will be sent. Absence will remain unauthorised until contact has been made.
If a pupil is absent for ten days or more, the parent must provide the school with a medical certificate from the GP, or from the practitioner who is providing medical treatment. A risk assessment will be carried out for any pupil who returns after a prolonged period of absence.
If a pupil has been absent with an infectious illness that has to be notified to public health authorities, a parent should send in a medical certificate on his return. This should state the nature of the illness and certify freedom from infection. All cases of infectious illness in the home should be reported to the school immediately by telephone to allow school to decide on whether to inform other parents of the risk, should there be more than three cases in school.
Leave of absence for holidays
The school does not authorise absence for holidays in term-time (unless exceptional circumstances are made to the management in a timely manner) and strongly discourages parents from making such requests.
Parents must be aware that leave of absence will not be authorised if the pupil’s attendance is low. Leave of absence will not be authorised at any time for pupils in KS4, 5 or 6 who are studying GCSE, A-Level or other Level 3 equivalent qualification, or for any pupils during the school examination period.
Exceptional Circumstances
Requests for leave of absence for any exceptional circumstances will only be considered upon receipt of an Absence Request Form, which can be obtained from the school office.
Requests must be received by the Head Teacher before arrangements are made for any travel. This needs to be handed in at least two weeks before the intended absence (term time only).
Each request will be considered individually. Factors which may be considered in the decision-making process but not exclusive to, are current attendance record, progress in all studies, behaviour record and parental support. Assurances and agreements must also be in place for pupils to complete and revise any missed work.
If an absence request is denied, pupils will be expected to attend school as usual.
Unauthorised absence
The school is bound by DfE regulations. The DfE regards all absence which has not been authorised by the school as truancy.
Absence is classified as unauthorised in the following cases: –
- If the reason for absence is unacceptable to the school (e.g., attendance at weddings, family holidays outside term time)
- If the pupil does not bring a written explanation of absence from a parent (or a phone call)
- If the pupil misses a lesson without the permission of the teacher
- If the pupil leaves the school site without the advance written permission of a parent, authorised by the admin staff
- If a pupil takes leave of absence without obtaining prior written permission
- If a pupil fails to return to school on the agreed date following an authorised leave of absence – this includes unauthorised extension of authorised holidays
Failure to adhere to the above can lead to the pupil’s name being taken off the school register. Pupils will not have the right to reapply at the school or appeal the school decision, especially in cases where parents have been clearly told of the consequences of taking unauthorised absence.
Punctuality is regarded by the school as an important indicator that a pupil is learning self-discipline and good time management. We are frequently asked to comment on punctuality for employment, Further Education and Higher Education references. Pupils must make every effort to avoid lateness.
Morning Registration
The first registration takes place at 8.15am. If a pupil arrives after the register has been taken, they will be marked ‘late’ in the register.
If a pupil arrives in school after 8:25am, they must bring a letter of explanation from a parent. (The only exceptions are pupils who may be travelling from outside of Bradford and who may be affected on the odd occasion by traffic conditions). These pupils are marked present and not late if their journey is delayed, as this is beyond the pupils’ control.
If a pupil arrives after the end of the registration period, they should sign the ‘Late Book’ at reception and proceed quickly to his lesson.
Pupils who are regularly late will be dealt with as follows:
On the first occasion they will be given a warning, each occasion subsequent to this they will be given an after-school detention.
Parents of pupils who are persistently late will be invited in to discuss the reasons for their child’s punctuality.
- First day contact
The purpose of first-contact is to:
- Provide a way in which parents can let the school know that a pupil is unable to come to school, the reasons for this and the expected date of return
- Enable the school to contact parents/carer to notify them their child has not arrived in school
- The admin office staff will be responsible for contacting parents on the first day of absence.
- Registers to be checked at 8.30am and pupils who are first day absent are identified
- The admin staff will contact parents by phone to query the absence (ensure correct phone/ mobile number is used) If contact is not possible then a text message will be sent
- A note is made for reason of absence
- A pupil will have their absence authorised once contact has been made with parent and suitable reason for absence has been given
- Following up absences
- Every effort will be made to ensure parents are contacted by 8:30am. If a response is not received, this will be followed up after the morning break and again at lunch break and finally at the end of the day.
- If the pupil is absent for two consecutive days and the office failed to contact parents, then on the third day of absence the admin staff will send an email to the parents, or any of the different methods of communication available to them, and/or arrange for a home visit.
- Within three school days of the date of the email, if the parents have still not contacted the school, the Headteacher must contact the DfE/Local Authority (attendance section) to seek advice. All phone calls must be recorded.
- Admin staff to follow up persistent punctuality
- Actions to be taken for pupils whom attendance is a cause for concern & Strategies to improve attendance
- Absence on a certain day on a regular basis, admin staff will contact parents to discuss their concern.
- Too many absences on a certain day due to medical appointments
- Pupils who fail to return to school at the end of an authorised leave of absence
- Pupils who go on holiday without gaining school permission:
- recorded as ‘N’ in registers
- Parents are contacted
- If a pupil’s attendance falls below 90% the parents are called in for a meeting with the Head Teacher and the Deputy Headteacher to discuss the matter.
- If a pupil’s attendance does not improve once the parents have been brought in, the parents may be asked to withdraw their child from the school. This is at the Head Teachers discretion.
- Regular meetings with parents of pupils for whom attendance and punctuality is an issue.
- DSL/CWO to speak to pupils
- Timetable for home / checklist to be provided for pupils to help them get organized in the morning
- After school detentions for those pupils who arrive late