Pupils will be expected to attend punctually throughout the school year. Leave cannot be granted for family holidays during term time.
Our term dates primarily coincide with the local authority schools, however some dates may differ slightly. Please bear this in mind when applying for a place at the school.
Any absences should be reported to the school as soon as possible, by phoning the office and leaving a message if necessary. However, we urge all parents to ensure their child attends school, keeping their absences to an absolute minimum.
Unauthorised absences can lead to pupils being taken off-roll. We would strongly urge parents not to plan any trips during term time without first submitting an Absence Request Form from our website and receiving a response. Please discuss any personal circumstances with the Headteacher.
Please Note:
The school reserves the right to alter holiday dates if required. There may be occasional student holidays due to additional INSET days (staff training days).