Pupil Code


At Eternal Light Secondary School, the children’s school uniform reflects their attitude to learning. The simple yet elegant uniform complies with the Islamic dress code, which the pupils are encouraged to adhere to. Each child will be expected to wear the full school uniform.

Please help prepare your child for the school day by ensuring he has:

The correct school uniform:

  • plain white jubba and izaar OR plain white shalwar kamees (no tracksuit bottoms)
  • white topi & clean socks
  • plain navy-blue jumper (no logos or design – compulsory in winter)
  • white or black amamah (highly recommended and encouraged)
  • a plain white t-shirt can be worn under the kamees. The t-shirt shouldn’t be visible over the kamees

The correct PE uniform:

  • navy blue/black tracksuit bottoms
  • white t-shirt or polo shirt (No replica football shirts)
  • navy blue/black tracksuit top
  • sensible trainers and clean socks

The correct stationery and equipment:

  • a school bag large enough to carry all books, stationery and lunchbox
  • two black or blue ball point pens (no cartridge/fountain pens/permanent markers/red pens)
  • pencil, rubber, plastic ruler, sharpener
  • pair of compasses, protractor, scientific calculator
  • A4 binder with some plastic wallets
  • dictionary and thesaurus (for home use)
  • Hifz students should have their own copy of a Quran (plain, no tajweed rules)
  • Quran sharif cover or any other protective material for storing of kitabs in school bags

Please ensure your child does not bring any of the following to school:

  • fizzy drinks / sports drinks, chewing gum or sweets
  • more than one chocolate or one packet of crisps a day
  • mobile phones / (unless handed into office upon arrival)
  • smart watches or any audio/video/picture capturing device
  • mp3 players / iPods / radios or any other non-essential device
  • novelty toys / lasers / gadgets / vape or Geek pens
  • aerosol sprays and deodorants
  • chains, rings, earrings and any other jewellery
  • tipp-ex / Glue sticks or any other forms of glue
  • ANY item to sell on or near school premises
  • unnecessary items or valuables (including more than £5 in cash)

Any unauthorised items brought to school will be confiscated for a full term and returned after a meeting is held with parents.

Please help us to help keep your child focused on his learning, by ensuring he follows all school rules.

Illness and Accidents

If you feel unwell or have an accident you must tell a teacher straight away. Normally you will be sent to the School Office where a trained first aider will take care of you. If you are too ill to remain at school or if hospital treatment is necessary, then your parents will be contacted to make suitable arrangements.

Under no circumstances should you leave the school or go home without permission.


If you need to take medicine at school parents will need to fill our online Medical Consent Form.

Your medicine must be left with the school office. The only exception is if you have an inhaler for asthma. Those with severe asthma should keep a spare labelled asthma pump in the office.

Student Council

A group of students will be given the responsibility of forming the Student Council. These students will be expected to carry out certain duties on behalf of the school and fellow students.

The Student Council will take on board any worries, concerns or suggestions that students may have. They will in turn forward this information to the school management.


Children will be given homework and expected to return it on time completed. In order to assist in the children’s academic education, parental contribution is essential.

Parental Support

  • Students’ planners will be checked and signed by parents at least once a week. Parents are expected to support the school by ensuring all homework is monitored by parents/carers at home and returned on time.
  • Parents should ensure there is a quiet supervised environment at home for pupils to complete their homework.
  • It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure their child is punctual in arriving at the school (8:05am). Pupils who arrive late will be given detention after school.
  • Students in Years 10 and 11 may be required to attend school on a Saturday morning for GCSE booster lesson. This is a separate compulsory provision for all students in these year groups to help them improve their skills in preparation for GCSE examinations. There will be a separate charge to this service as this will be delivered outside of school hours. Details will be provided in due course.