Parental Support

Planner, punctuality and homework

  • Students’ planners should be checked and signed by parents at least once a week. (Hifz pupils planners should be checked daily). Homework should be checked by parents for quality. Please support the school by ensuring all homework is monitored by parents/carers at home and returned on time.
  • Please arrange a quiet supervised environment at home for pupils to complete their homework.
  • It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure their child is punctual in arriving at the school (8:05am).

Photos consent

There may be occasions where the school will need to take photos of different learning environments around the school. This is usually done for the school portfolio or website.

A photo consent form is handed to all pupils where parents can choose one of the following three options:

  • Option A: I give permission for my child’s photograph to be used in all scenarios (website, displays, media etc.)
  • Option B: I give permission for my child’s photograph to be used in the school displays only
  • Option C: I do not wish for my child’s photo to be taken.

Parents should make sure their child has handed in the completed form to the office. Replacement forms are available upon request.