Lunchtime & Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

We would encourage all children to bring a healthy lunch. Parents are expected to ensure that any food & drink sent with their child is of a healthy & balanced nature.

Drinks with artificial preservatives, colours & flavours, energy drinks and fizzy drinks are not allowed and should be avoided. Students should bring their own water bottles to school which they can top-up at our various water stations.

Snacks consumed during the morning break should be fruit, veg and water only. All other snacks are permitted in the remaining breaks. Students can bring in one packet of crisps and a small chocolate bar a day. Chewing gum or sweets are not allowed at all. Packed lunches should contain wholemeal sandwiches, salads, fruits and water.

Parents lunch drop-off

Parents who are local to the school may wish to drop lunch off for their child at reception. Please ensure the food is dropped off before 12pm to avoid your child missing his first lesson in the afternoon. Please place your child’s name and year group clearly on the bag/container/lunch box. The school is not responsible for lunch that has been handed to the incorrect student or misplaced.

Parents should ensure the lunch provided by them is in line with our healthy eating guidance above.

School Dinners

All students are required to stay on the premises during lunchtime.

If you have ordered school dinners, then you must ensure that your meal has been pre-ordered using the order sheet handed to pupils before each half-term break (additional copies are available from the office). All payments for the meals will need to be made in advance for the whole half term.

School meals are currently charged at £2.50 a day. Late payments can result in orders not being placed on the days required. Please ensure all orders are placed at the beginning of every half-term, as one-off meals cannot be placed.

Dinners are provided by one of two local catering companies, Aziz Catering and Ahmeds Kitchen. Any dinner-related issues should be taken up with the caterers directly.

Aziz Catering 07817 615022

Ahmeds Kitchen 07477 643029